Thanx for the insightful thoughts Ken

See more below

> >>> all the std::filesystem implementations I've seen for Windows
> >>
> >> The implementation on top of Cygwin is not "for Windows", it's "for
> >> Cygwin", i.e., "for Posix".  And for Cygwin that's the right thing to
> do.
> >> And that's where we keep talking at cross purposes.
> >
> >
> > Maybe it is the right thing to do, but what is your take of why it must
> be so (all the way) ?
> >
> > I also do understand that it have several advantages in the
> > implementation of std::filesystem but it also imply an extra layer of
> > abstraction to the underlaying platform, but to just remove the
> > _CYGWIN_ macro when building it would make std::filesystem to not
> > understand /cygdrive at all (and I guess that would confuse other
> > users;-) so I guess it would require some more sophisticated
> > implementation (or extend the number of exceptions already existing in
> > the underlaying Cygwin-Posix-implementation)
> I'd like to try to make this discussion more concrete by looking at what's
> actually going on in the test program main.cpp that you posted at the
> beginning of that thread.  (I ran it under strace and gdb to see this for
> myself.)
> First, your program calls std::filesystem::exists, which ultimately calls
> stat(2) in the Cygwin DLL.  The work for this is done in the
> path_conv::check function and various functions that it calls.  These
> functions have code that recognizes Win32 paths like C:\Temp, and
> std::filesystem::exists therefore reports "true".  This is consistent with
> the statement at
> about how the
> Cygwin DLL treats Win32 paths.
> Next, your program calls std::filesystem::canonical.  This calls
> std::filesystem::absolute, which reports that C:\Temp is not an absolute
> path.
> It therefore tries to treat it as a relative path and fails with "No such
> file or directory" because <current directory>/C:\Temp does not exist.
> Note that the Cygwin DLL never sees the original path C:\Temp in this
> case.  Again, this is consistent with the statement in the documentation
> that Cygwin applications do not necessarily recognize Win32 paths.
> You say this is a bug, because first you're told that C:\Temp exists and
> then you're told it doesn't.  But I think it just illustrates the hazards
> of using
> Win32 paths in Cygwin, which tries hard to emulate Posix.  Sometimes you
> can get away with using Win32 paths and sometimes you can't, depending on
> how and when the Cygwin DLL is involved.

Well, to call it a bug in this context was maybe wrong, but in a
ISO-standard perspective it would be considered a bug ;-)

> I don't see a good way to avoid this inconsistency.  We could change
> Cygwin so that it rigidly recognizes only Posix paths.  Cygwin would then
> be consistent, but we would be removing a feature that many users have
> become accustomed to

I guess so too, but they are already there for some reason

I don't expect that the posix-functions should accept any non-posix-paths
but it would be nice to have the platform independent std::filesystem to
work transparently but I guess, since the cygstdc++-library uses the
underlaying posix-functions the only reasonable way to accomplish this is to
extend the list of features that already exists

The sole reason for std::filesystem was to avoid platform dependent code

So I guess in practical, it is up to the community of how well motivated
they are to extend those Posix-functions but my take in this thread is that
many rather would like it to become more ... like an emulator 

> And it wouldn't help you.  Or we could ask all Cygwin package maintainers
> to try to patch their packages so that they recognize Win32 paths, but
> that's simply not feasible, nor would many package maintainers be willing
> to invest the required time.

I'm not sure what package maintainers you're referring to here now ?
Applications ? Cygwin ? GCC ?

> I tried it once with emacs, which I maintain, in response to a user
> request.  I failed miserably.  Every change I made broke something else,
> and I finally gave up.
> I don't think g++ will be any easier than emacs, and I don't think you can
> expect the g++ maintainer to work on this.

Yeah, I noticed that the _CYGWIN_ macro actually was a part of the real

Thanx Ken and keep up the good work


> Ken

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