On 2020-12-08 12:04, Eric Connor via Cygwin wrote:
*$uname -srvmo*
CYGWIN_NT-10.0 3.0.5(0.338/5/3) 2019-03-31 11:17 x86_64 Cygwin
*$which column*
*$cygcheck -f /usr/bin/column*
*$cygcheck -c util-linux*
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
util-linux           2.33.1-2       OK
*$which vim*
*$cygcheck -c vim*
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
vim                  8.2.0486-1     OK

I'm not at liberty to share my path, due to the sensitivity of my position,
but it *does *include /usr/bin, and it's the second entry in the value.

What is the first entry and where does it point?

*$vim +'echo $PATH' *
Properly imports the path into vim :)
*$vim +'!which column'*
Properly imports the path to column: /usr/bin/column

*ls -lrt /var/log/setup.log*|awk -F ' ' '{print $6, $7, $8, $NF}'*May 26
2020 /var/log/setup.log.runXa27444
Dec 7 13:43 /var/log/setup.log
Dec 7 13:43 /var/log/setup.log.full

        $ ls -glort

will skip the ids.

Note: As I indicated earlier, I have been able to go back previous versions
(with no success), and subsequently was able to run the update and bring
the version back to current.

One good data example is the following, which I'd be curious if anyone else
is able to sort using *:%!column -t*

*On my local machine (v.8.2.0486-1)

Before -

1.33570301776, 3.61194e-06, 7.24503e-06, -9.91572e-06, 1.25098e-05,
0.0102828, 0.010352, 0.0102677, 0.0103789, 0.00161604, 0.00167978,
0.00159998, 0.00182596, 0.0019804, 0.0133687, 0.010329, 0.00163437,
0.00191202, 0.0134425
1.34538754675, 3.3689e-06, 9.86066e-06, -9.12075e-06, 1.18058e-05,
0.00334344, 0.00342207, 0.00332897, 0.00345504, 0.00165532,
0.00170412, 0.00164234, 0.00441903, 0.00459294, 0.00449357,
0.00339737, 0.00166596, 0.00451926, 0.00455153
1.34808186291, -1.99011e-06, 6.53026e-06, -1.18909e-05, 9.52337e-06,
0.00158065, 0.00166529, 0.0015657, 0.0017022, 0.000740644, 0.00078635,
0.000730052, 0.00219736, 0.00238191, 0.00212762, 0.00163783,
0.000750669, 0.00230171, 0.00217917

After -

*:%!column -t*shell returned 127
3 lines filtered

*On one of my servers (v. 7.4)*

Before -

1.33570301776, 3.61194e-06, 7.24503e-06, -9.91572e-06, 1.25098e-05,
0.0102828, 0.010352, 0.0102677, 0.0103789, 0.00161604, 0.00167978,
0.00159998, 0.00182596, 0.0019804, 0.0133687, 0.010329, 0.00163437,
0.00191202, 0.0134425
1.34538754675, 3.3689e-06, 9.86066e-06, -9.12075e-06, 1.18058e-05,
0.00334344, 0.00342207, 0.00332897, 0.00345504, 0.00165532,
0.00170412, 0.00164234, 0.00441903, 0.00459294, 0.00449357,
0.00339737, 0.00166596, 0.00451926, 0.00455153
1.34808186291, -1.99011e-06, 6.53026e-06, -1.18909e-05, 9.52337e-06,
0.00158065, 0.00166529, 0.0015657, 0.0017022, 0.000740644, 0.00078635,
0.000730052, 0.00219736, 0.00238191, 0.00212762, 0.00163783,
0.000750669, 0.00230171, 0.00217917

After -

1.33570301776,  3.61194e-06,   7.24503e-06,  -9.91572e-06,
1.25098e-05,  0.0102828,   0.010352,    0.0102677,   0.0103789,
0.00161604,   0.00167978,  0.00159998,   0.00182596,  0.0019804,
0.0133687,   0.010329,    0.00163437,   0.00191202,  0.0134425
1.34538754675,  3.3689e-06,    9.86066e-06,  -9.12075e-06,
1.18058e-05,  0.00334344,  0.00342207,  0.00332897,  0.00345504,
0.00165532,   0.00170412,  0.00164234,   0.00441903,  0.00459294,
0.00449357,  0.00339737,  0.00166596,   0.00451926,  0.00455153
1.34808186291,  -1.99011e-06,  6.53026e-06,  -1.18909e-05,
9.52337e-06,  0.00158065,  0.00166529,  0.0015657,   0.0017022,
0.000740644,  0.00078635,  0.000730052,  0.00219736,  0.00238191,
0.00212762,  0.00163783,  0.000750669,  0.00230171,  0.00217917

Would be better if you attached your input, as it is unclear if this is meant to be three or more lines: attached input and output for both.

Your problem is that column is not being executed from within vim.

What you type in vim should be ":%!column -t" in command mode.

You also need to check whether you have a vim command named column or only an external executable:

        $ vim +':echo exists(":column")'
        $ vim +':echo executable("column")'

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This email may be disturbing to some readers as it contains
too much technical detail. Reader discretion is advised.
[Data in binary units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]
1.33570301776,  3.61194e-06,   7.24503e-06,  -9.91572e-06,  1.25098e-05,  
0.0102828,      0.010352,      0.0102677,    0.0103789,     0.00161604,   
0.00159998,     0.00182596,    0.0019804,    0.0133687,     0.010329,     
0.00191202,     0.0134425                                                 
1.34538754675,  3.3689e-06,    9.86066e-06,  -9.12075e-06,  1.18058e-05,  
0.00334344,     0.00342207,    0.00332897,   0.00345504,    0.00165532,   
0.00170412,     0.00164234,    0.00441903,   0.00459294,    0.00449357,   
0.00339737,     0.00166596,    0.00451926,   0.00455153                   
1.34808186291,  -1.99011e-06,  6.53026e-06,  -1.18909e-05,  9.52337e-06,  
0.00158065,     0.00166529,    0.0015657,    0.0017022,     0.000740644,  
0.000730052,    0.00219736,    0.00238191,   0.00212762,    0.00163783,   
0.000750669,    0.00230171,    0.00217917                                 
1.33570301776,  3.61194e-06,   7.24503e-06,  -9.91572e-06,  1.25098e-05,  
0.0102828,      0.010352,      0.0102677,    0.0103789,     0.00161604,   
0.00159998,     0.00182596,    0.0019804,    0.0133687,     0.010329,     
0.00191202,     0.0134425                                                 
1.34538754675,  3.3689e-06,    9.86066e-06,  -9.12075e-06,  1.18058e-05,  
0.00334344,     0.00342207,    0.00332897,   0.00345504,    0.00165532,   
0.00170412,     0.00164234,    0.00441903,   0.00459294,    0.00449357,   
0.00339737,     0.00166596,    0.00451926,   0.00455153                   
1.34808186291,  -1.99011e-06,  6.53026e-06,  -1.18909e-05,  9.52337e-06,  
0.00158065,     0.00166529,    0.0015657,    0.0017022,     0.000740644,  
0.000730052,    0.00219736,    0.00238191,   0.00212762,    0.00163783,   
0.000750669,    0.00230171,    0.00217917                                 
1.33570301776,  3.61194e-06,   7.24503e-06,  -9.91572e-06,  1.25098e-05,  
0.0102828,   0.010352,    0.0102677,   0.0103789,   0.00161604,   0.00167978,  
0.00159998,   0.00182596,  0.0019804,   0.0133687,   0.010329,    0.00163437,   
0.00191202,  0.0134425
1.34538754675,  3.3689e-06,    9.86066e-06,  -9.12075e-06,  1.18058e-05,  
0.00334344,  0.00342207,  0.00332897,  0.00345504,  0.00165532,   0.00170412,  
0.00164234,   0.00441903,  0.00459294,  0.00449357,  0.00339737,  0.00166596,   
0.00451926,  0.00455153
1.34808186291,  -1.99011e-06,  6.53026e-06,  -1.18909e-05,  9.52337e-06,  
0.00158065,  0.00166529,  0.0015657,   0.0017022,   0.000740644,  0.00078635,  
0.000730052,  0.00219736,  0.00238191,  0.00212762,  0.00163783,  0.000750669,  
0.00230171,  0.00217917
1.33570301776,  3.61194e-06,   7.24503e-06,  -9.91572e-06,  1.25098e-05,  
0.0102828,   0.010352,    0.0102677,   0.0103789,   0.00161604,   0.00167978,  
0.00159998,   0.00182596,  0.0019804,   0.0133687,   0.010329,    0.00163437,   
0.00191202,  0.0134425
1.34538754675,  3.3689e-06,    9.86066e-06,  -9.12075e-06,  1.18058e-05,  
0.00334344,  0.00342207,  0.00332897,  0.00345504,  0.00165532,   0.00170412,  
0.00164234,   0.00441903,  0.00459294,  0.00449357,  0.00339737,  0.00166596,   
0.00451926,  0.00455153
1.34808186291,  -1.99011e-06,  6.53026e-06,  -1.18909e-05,  9.52337e-06,  
0.00158065,  0.00166529,  0.0015657,   0.0017022,   0.000740644,  0.00078635,  
0.000730052,  0.00219736,  0.00238191,  0.00212762,  0.00163783,  0.000750669,  
0.00230171,  0.00217917
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