On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, at 7:08 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Anthony Heading writes:
> […]
> > What approach do you want?  (Choose 'local::lib', 'sudo' or 'manual')
> >  [local::lib]
> Well, just say "manual" at this prompt to override the heuristics for
> switching to local::lib, then.  Alternatively you can report it upstream
> so that this check is properly guarded (if the leading path is writable
> by the current user then local::lib is not necessary).

I couldn't say whether there are additional parts of the CPAN ecosystem that
are surprised by the site_perl directories having been deleted.  And
indeed maybe 'manual' works as a bypass,  though it's not obvious.

> In general, if you install Cygwin often enough for this to be a nuisance
> I'd recommend adding a package to your local repo that sets up such
> things in a postinstall script.

Sure.  I like Cygwin and I install it a lot (so thank-you btw to everyone!),
but there is an easy workaround once you know.   As I said before,  it's just
a bug report because the final result of packaging is slightly broken and would
certainly confuse new users.  But then again,  I'm of a certain age; the new
generation uses python and chromebooks so maybe there are no new users :-)

I think the issue is sufficiently understood, have appreciated the discussion.



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