
I'm running cygwin on Windows 10, using UTF8 in English. I run cygwin bash 
inside a cygwin mintty terminal. I've noticed a minor problem when using 
cygstart with wildcard parameters.

I type:

  cygstart *.??p

If there is a matching file then everything works as I expect. However if there 
is no matching file I get an error message as follows:

Unable to start '.p': The specified file was not found.

When I look at this using the "od" command I see the following:

$ cygstart *.??p 2>&1 | od -tx1 -c
0000000  55  6e  61  62  6c  65  20  74  6f  20  73  74  61  72  74  20
          U   n   a   b   l   e       t   o       s   t   a   r   t
0000020  27  ef  80  aa  2e  ef  80  bf  ef  80  bf  70  27  3a  20  54
          ' 357 200 252   . 357 200 277 357 200 277   p   '   :       T
0000040  68  65  20  73  70  65  63  69  66  69  65  64  20  66  69  6c
          h   e       s   p   e   c   i   f   i   e   d       f   i   l
0000060  65  20  77  61  73  20  6e  6f  74  20  66  6f  75  6e  64  2e
          e       w   a   s       n   o   t       f   o   u   n   d   .
0000100  0a

It looks to me like cygstart is not outputting the correct UFT-8 for either the 
* character or the ? character. I think this is a bug.


John Vincent.

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