On 3/10/21 6:20 PM, Marki wrote:
> Only then I showed that the same is not true for rsync. When I input a
> password, it will get echoed and also rsync will not process it, since
> standard input somehow goes elsewhere.

If I had to guess, it's probably the same as the problems I was seeing
with gpg-agent not being able to capture the tty correctly to prompt for
the password.  I never had a problem with the ssh agent though.

Unfortunately I do not have a good solution for it, as it seems to
happen only to some people some time on some systems.  After fighting
with it for an afternoon, I simply wrote a pinentry program with my
password hardcoded into it.  Yay for security.

The hack is here for reference (DO NOT USE ON PUBLIC PRODUCTION
MACHINES!) -> https://x.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2019-01/msg00178.html

I recheck the stock program every few months, and this problem still exists.

David Dombrowsky | Chief Software Engineer
6th Street Radio LLC | 6thstreetradio.org | 518-374-3204

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