On 5/6/2021 8:22 AM, David Allsopp via Cygwin wrote:

> I fixed the underlying problem in OCaml 4.12, but I haven't had time to 
> adopting the Cygwin packages yet - I'm hoping to over the next few months.
> The short-term workaround is either to use Cygwin32 or to install the opam, 
libgmp-devel and
> flexdll 0.39 packages and run:
>    opam init
>    opam switch -y create coq ocaml-base-compiler.4.12.0
>    # This takes a looong time, especially the "make install" step
>    opam install -y coq
>    eval $(opam env)
>    coqtop
>    Quit.
> (NB flexdll 0.39 must be selected manually or using the new flexdll=0.39-1 syntax on the command line,
> as I've left it marked test until ocaml 4.12 is packaged)

Thank you, David, that worked great!  I was able then to go on and process a
Coq library I was interested in, and it went through with no problems.  I
appreciate the help!

Best wishes - Eliot

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