>step to reproduce

>install windows server 2012 standard ( NOT R2  i see no problem with R2 )
>install latest cygwin 64 bit from cygwin site

>you can run some program like ls.exe or other from command promtp with no


>update microsoft windows , after installing june 2021 security update

>every cygwin command that you run from command prompt you have this warning

>Cygwin WARNING:  Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer.  This typically occurs
>if you're using  an older Cygwin version on a newer Windows.  Please update
>to the latest  available Cygwin version from https://cygwin.com/.  If the
>problem persists,  please see https://cygwin.com/problems.html

>i see no warning with other microsoft windows version and no problem with
>cygwin 32 bit .

>if i uninstall


>and reboot we have no more warning but we can't install this security fix


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