I'm having trouble installing net-snmp-utils-5.8-1.

When using Cygwin Setup and I attempt to install net-snmp-utils-5.8-1,
I receive the following error when resolving dependencies:

Problem 1/1
nothing provides perl5_026 needed by perl-net-snmp-5.7.2-2
Solution 1/1 (default)
  - do not ask to install net-snmp-utils-5.8-1

If I attempt to install various versions of perl-net-snmp:
Problem 1/1
nothing provides perl5_026 needed by perl-net-snmp-5.7.2-2
Solution 1/1 (default)
  - do not ask to install perl-net-snmp-5.7.2-2

Problem 1/1
nothing provides perl5_026 needed by perl-net-snmp-5.7.3-1
Solution 1/1 (default)
  - do not ask to install perl-net-snmp-5.7.3-1

Problem 1/1
package perl-net-snmp-5.8-1 requires perl5_030, but none of the
providers can be installed
Solution 1/1 (default)
  - do not ask to install perl-net-snmp-5.8-1

So the root cause appears to be a problem finding perl5_030 or perl5_026.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

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