
I am trying to setup Cygwin inside a Windows Docker container, but I step into 
the issue described here 
(https://www.mail-archive.com/cygwin@cygwin.com/msg165792.html) and here 
I am not able to fully understand what is the conclusion from the thread in the 
mailing list, what is the best approach to avoid this error?
In my Dockerfile I currently download the setup.exe, install it inside the 
container, compress the folder with 7z in ZIP format, decompress it and finally 
the image has Cygwin installed without errors. However, I would like to improve 
this workflow if possible, also because I am not sure if Cygwin works 
completely fine after this kind of installation process.
Could someone with more expertise shed some light on the topic?

Best Regards,
Pietro F. Fontana

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