Can one of you powerful folks, please, fix the signup approvals and make it
a bit more difficult to signup and account that is "allowed" to post on
this list?

Generally, it's at least an email verification loop. But, maybe it's time
to induce an "age" as well?
As a long time user I would oppose an "age" related test to invalidate emails.  Long time users are less likely to be spammers than new email sign ups.  That said, it does seem that we are getting quite a bit of spam from the Cygwin email list and it would be nice if something along the lines of email verification could be done to prevent this.
That said, I will concede that it unfairly
targets those folks who need legitimate help, for a current or new problem
that may have escaped regression checks, or general tool obscurity.

Russell VT
grey beard

<<attachment: wilson96.vcf>>

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