The following packages have been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution:

* sed   4.8

The sed (Stream EDitor) editor is a stream or batch (non-interactive)
editor. Sed takes text as input, performs an operation or set of
operations on the text, and outputs the modified text. The operations
that sed performs (substitutions, deletions, insertions, etc.) can be
specified in a script file or from the command line.

For more information see the project home pages:

For changes since the previous Cygwin release please see below or read
/usr/share/doc/sed/NEWS after installation; for complete details see:


Noteworthy changes in release 4.8 (2020-01-14) [stable]

* Bug fixes
  "sed -i" now creates temporary files with correct umask (limited to u=rwx).
  Previously sed would incorrectly set umask on temporary files, resulting
  in problems under certain fuse-like file systems.
  [bug introduced in sed 4.2.1]

* Release
  distribute gzip-compressed tarballs once again

* Improvements
  a year's worth of gnulib development, including improved DFA performance

Noteworthy changes in release 4.7 (2018-12-20) [stable]

* Bug fixes
  Some uses of \b in the C locale and with the DFA matcher would fail, e.g.,
  the following would mistakenly print "123-x" instead of "123":
    echo 123-x|LC_ALL=C sed 's/.\bx//'
  Using a multibyte locale or certain regexp constructs (some ranges,
  backreferences) would avoid the bug.  [bug introduced in sed 4.6]

Noteworthy changes in release 4.6 (2018-12-19) [stable]

* Improvements
  sed now prints a clear error message when r/R/w/W (and s///w) commands
  are missing a filename. Previously, w/W commands would fail with confusing
  error message, while r/R would be a silent no-op.

  sed now uses fully-buffered output (instead of line-buffered) when
  writing to files. This should noticeably improve performance of "sed -i"
  and other write commands.
  Buffering can be disabled (as before) with "sed -u".

  sed in non-cygwin windows environments (e.g. mingw) now properly handles
  '\n' newlines in -b/--binary mode.

* Bug fixes
  sed no longer accesses invalid memory (heap overflow) when given invalid
  backreferences in 's' command [bug#32082, present at least since sed-4.0.6].

  sed no longer adds extraneous NUL when given s/$//n command.
  [related to bug#32271, present since sed-4.0.7]

  sed no longer accesses invalid memory (heap overflow) with s/$//n regexes.
  [bug#32271, present since sed-4.3].

* New Features
  New option, --debug: print the input sed script in canonical form
  and annotate program execution.

Noteworthy changes in release 4.5 (2018-03-31) [stable]

* Bug fixes
  sed now fails when matching very long input lines (>2GB).
  Before, sed would silently ignore the regex without indicating an
  error. [Bug present at least since sed-3.02]

  sed no longer rejects comments and closing braces after y/// commands.
  [Bug existed at least since sed-3.02]

  sed -E --posix no longer ignores special meaning of '+','?','|' .
  [Bug introduced in the original implementation of --posix option in

  sed -i now creates selinux context based on the context of the symlink
  instead of the symlink target. [Bug present since at least sed-4.2]
  sed -i --follow-symlinks remains unchanged.

  sed now treats the sequence '\x5c' (ASCII 92, backslash) as literal
  backslash character, not as an escape prefix character.
  [Bug present since sed-3.02.80]
  Old behavior:
     $ echo z | sed -E 's/(z)/\x5c1/' # identical to 's/(z)/\1/'
  New behavior:
     $ echo z | sed -E 's/(z)/\x5c1/'

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