On Aug 13 12:56, David Balažic via Cygwin wrote:
> Before, during and after plugging in a n USB stick:
> $ cat /proc/partitions
> major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts
>     8     0 1000204632 sda
>     8     1    102400 sda1
>     8     2     16384 sda2
>     8     3 999571820 sda3   C:\
>     8     4    510976 sda4
> $ cat /proc/partitions
> major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts
>     8     0 1000204632 sda
>     8     1    102400 sda1
>     8     2     16384 sda2
>     8     3 999571820 sda3   C:\
>     8     4    510976 sda4
>     8    16  62522712 sdb
>     8    17   4096000 sdb1   D:\
>     8    18  58424664 sdb2
>     8    16  62522712 sdb
>     8    17   4096000 sdb1   D:\
>     8    18  58424664 sdb2   E:\
> $ cat /proc/partitions
> major minor  #blocks  name   win-mounts
>     8     0 1000204632 sda
>     8     1    102400 sda1
>     8     2     16384 sda2
>     8     3 999571820 sda3   C:\
>     8     4    510976 sda4
>     8    16  62522712 sdb
>     8    17   4096000 sdb1   D:\
>     8    18  58424664 sdb2   E:\
> So the second listing shows sdb twice. Also E: does not seem to exist
> (see below).

So, second report.  Which OS is that on?  I don't have any physical
Windows machine anymore, so I have a bit of a problem to reproduce this.

As I wrote in https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2021-August/249012.html,
I don't see how Cygwin would be able to duplicate entries, unless the OS
itself duplicates entries.

Somebody who can duplicate this issue would have to single step through
function format_proc_partitions, see


and check what actually happens in the above cases.


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