in addition to my previous message, I did some experiments with the
code of cygport and I added these lines to

echo "B=${B}"
echo "S=${S}"
echo "PWD=${PWD}"

and the result is:

*** ERROR: cygcmake: cmake directory not found

But ${CYGCMAKE_SOURCE} was set as:


So, it seems to me that there is at least a bug into the
documentation, because ${CYGCMAKE_SOURCE} does not seem to allow the
use of {S}.
I was able to make it working by writing:


but I don't know if this is the right way to do it and could be accepted or not.


Il giorno gio 16 set 2021 alle ore 17:18 Carlo B.
<carlo.bram...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to make a package for CYGWIN to provide liblo, but I'm
> having some difficulties.
> This library is available to the most used linux distributions (but
> not limited to), here there is the link to the one into a Debian as
> example:
> https://packages.debian.org/buster/liblo-dev
> I implemented a script for cygport but this is the output on the
> console when I execute it:
> $ cygport liblo.cygport all
> >>> Preparing liblo-0.31-1.x86_64
> >>> Unpacking source liblo-0.31.tar.gz
> >>> Preparing working source directory
> >>> Compiling liblo-0.31-1.x86_64
> *** ERROR: cygcmake: cmake directory not found
> The unique aspect of this library is that the CMakeLists.txt file is
> not into the root of the source tree, but it is located into a
> subfolder, see here:
> https://github.com/radarsat1/liblo/tree/master/cmake
> So, in my script, I configured ${CYGCMAKE_SOURCE} to point there, but
> it still cannot make it working. Since it seems that I'm not able to
> make it working in any way, I'm wondering if the behaviour of this
> variable has been ever tested, so I'm writing here with the hope to
> receive a suggestion.
> Thank you very much for your support.
> =======> And this is the content of my liblo.cygport file:
> inherit cmake
> NAME="liblo"
> VERSION=0.31
> CATEGORY="Audio"
> SUMMARY="Open Sound Control protocol for POSIX systems"
> DESCRIPTION="Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication
>  among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that
>  is optimized for modern networking technology."
> HOMEPAGE="http://liblo.sourceforge.net/";
> SRC_URI="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/liblo/liblo-${VERSION}.tar.gz";
> PKG_NAMES="liblo1 liblo-devel"
>     usr/share/doc/liblo/AUTHORS
>     usr/share/doc/liblo/COPYING
>     usr/share/doc/liblo/ChangeLog
>     usr/share/doc/liblo/NEWS
>     usr/share/doc/liblo/README
>     usr/share/doc/liblo/TODO
> "
> liblo1_CATEGORY="Libs"
> liblo1_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY}"
> liblo1_CONTENTS="
>     usr/bin/cyglo-7.dll
>     usr/bin/oscdump.exe
>     usr/bin/oscsend.exe
> "
> liblo_devel_CATEGORY="Libs"
> liblo_devel_SUMMARY="${SUMMARY}"
> liblo_devel_CONTENTS="
>     usr/include/lo/*
>     usr/lib/liblo.dll.a
>     usr/lib/pkgconfig/liblo.pc
>     usr/lib/cmake/liblo/libloConfig.cmake
> "
> CYGCMAKE_SOURCE="${S}/cmake"

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