If the last execution of the setup used download only and the setup is used 
with -q and without either -D or -L it still defaults to -D


Adding -Y does not change the behavior either.


Workaround was to launch setup, advance to “select download source”, select 
install, advance to next screen, abort, re-run silent install.


From setup --help:

-D --download                     Download packages from internet only

-L --local-install                Install packages from local directory only

-Y --prune-install                Prune the installation to only the requested




full command used:


$ ./profile/Downloads/setup-x86_64.exe -R 'c:\cygwin.postfix' -X -B -d -n -r -N 
-q -l 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\mirror' -f -o -P 

Starting cygwin install, version 2.909

User has NO backup/restore rights

Current Directory: C:\cygwin64\tmp\mirror

Selected local directory: C:\cygwin64\tmp\mirror

net: Preconfig


HTTP status 404 fetching 

HTTP status 404 fetching 

HTTP status 404 fetching 

solving: 9 tasks, update: yes, use test packages: no

solving: 2 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no

Augmented Transaction List:

   0 install crypt  1.4-1

   1 install libpq5 9.6.2-1

Ending cygwin install



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