On Mon Sep 27 2021, at 7:26 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:

> On 9/26/2021 8:57 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:
>> I have installed this (completely this time) and have encountered no issues 
>> with it.  I'm getting full gigabit speeds with my rsync transfers.   Looks 
>> great!
> Thanks for testing.

I've encountered a crash that might be related.   I had previously been having 
occasional crashes/hangs of cat.exe over the years, but this is the first time 
I've ever gotten an error message:

cygwin error: 0 [fifo_reader] cat 11398 C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe: *** fatal  error 
- Can't add a client handler, Win32 error 123

cat here is reading from a fifo created with mkfifo.

I've only encountered it once (out of daily runs over the last couple weeks) 
and don't know how to replicate it.   Possibly a race?    Looks like my script 
has tried to mitigate this with a sleep 1 between the mkfifo and the fork: cat 
< $fifo &

I only encounter this issue on Cygwin (it has always worked fine without the 
sleep on Linux and MacOS).

-- Chris

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