On 10/24/2021 4:55 PM, Fergus Daly wrote:
I might be wrong but:
The Cygwin implementation of rename seems completely different from "the" (my) 
Linux version.
(Almost unique? Otherwise the matching in Cygwin of all syntax -
vocab, switches, outcomes - to Linux, seems almost perfect.)
Can I rename a set of files *.d (say) as filename.d -> XXfilename.d?
In Linux this would be achieved by
$ rename 's/^/XX/g' ./*.d
whereas in Cygwin
$ rename ^ XX *.d
(and all similar attempts) fails.
Thank you.

You're confusing perl-rename with util-linu rename.
The former, which seems to be what you want, can be installed using cpan 
(install File::Rename),
assuming you have perl installed.
It will put its rename command in /usr/local/bin, presumably taking precedence 
over the util-linux one in /usr/bin.
It further seems that "normally" these two have different names, like rename.ul 
and prename,
and /etc/alternatives is used to set up the rename command.
This required some web searching to determine ...
Cheers - Eliot

Perfect. Worked like a dream.
All in place, and naming managed.
Thanks so much.

No problem - learned something myself!  EM

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