Hi all,
I am facing the following problem with my sshd installation.

We are in an AD environment. AD holds the needed data for ssh(d) to work. I can log into cygwin using ssh. But if I have a key stored .ssh/authorized_keys for passwordless login, the groups my user is in differs from the one w/o an authorized keys. Unfortunately exactly the group(s) for accessing the shared filesystems is missing. We were investigating a lot and the only workaround we found is that the sshd service runs under the user we want to log in. This unfortunately disables any other user to log into the cygwin machine. When debugging ssh with -vvv, there is no visible difference between the login with authorized_keys or without (of course there is a difference wrt. the login method).

This is cygwin 3.2.0 and openssh openssh-8.8p1-1.

Any clues ?

Best regards


Dominik Strasser       | Phone:  +49 89 99013-436
OneSpin Solutions GmbH | Fax:    +49 89 99013-100
Nymphenburgerstr. 20a
80335 Muenchen         | dominik.stras...@onespin.com

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