On Nov 17 11:57, ggl329 via Cygwin wrote:
> cygfido2-1.dll (from libfido2-1.9.0-1) depends on cygcbor-0.8.dll .
> But the dependency is dropped in setup.ini (depends2 field).
> In addition, the current libcbor-0.9.0-2 doesn’t provide cygcbor-0.8.dll but 
> cygcbor-0.9.dll .
> Maybe, libfido2 needs to be rebuilt with libcbor-0.9 .

libcbor is closely knit to libfido2 and there's fortunately no other
package in the distro yet relying on libcbor.

Given that the 0.X releases are not binary compatible with each other
(which hopefully changes with the 1.X releases), I will change libcbor
to a static library only for the time being, and rebuild libfido2
against that static lib.


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