On Nov 17 19:44, Andrey Repin via Cygwin wrote:
> Greetings, Wolfgang S. Kechel!
> > The command 'cygpath -am .' yields different results between
> > cygwin-3.1.4-1 and cygwin-3.3.2-1 on a Windows 10 box when the current 
> > directory is a network share.
> > Example with V3.1.4:
> > cygpath -am .  ---> P:/mytool/gbuild/wintel/libtiff
> > Example with V3.3.2-1
> > cygpath -am .  ---> //mynas.mydomain.de/product/mytool/gbuild/wintel/libtiff
> I'm pretty sure there was a discussion about it earlier.
> > This causes UNC filenames to appear and this cmd.exe is unable to start 
> > in those directories when started from a cygwin shell or from nmake run 
> > in a cygwin shell.
> cmd.exe can be configured to STFU.

Apparently default starting with Windows 11...


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