On 05/01/2022 17:41, Eliot Moss wrote:
 Therefore, my thought is to make the presentation of these
attributes by attr_list (is that the canonical call?) and probably also the
special interpretation of them for get/set, controllable in some way.  The
means of control that occurs to me is an environment variable, or a flag
within the CYGWIN env var.  Other folks more deeply involved in Cygwin library
code, etc., may have a more informed notion of the best way to control this,
but it strikes me as one of those things that you would have to ask for.

In principle, each of Attrs, SDs, and ADS_ could be separately controlled, if
we think that is important (might be).

Hi Eliot.

I can see the appeal of mapping hidden/system/readonly to suitably
namespaced xattrs and exposing ADSes. However I would caution about having too
many selectable options as the behaviour for every combination in the running
system would have to be considered against filesystems that have been
manipulated with every other combination.

As the recent update to setup.exe has shown, even the different types of
symlink handling can cause unforeseen problems and that's a single option with
only a few possible values that only affect how they're written and not how
they're read.

Just a thought.

Sam Edge

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