On 08.01.2022 07:57, Fergus Daly wrote:
> Not quite sure what recent update has caused this failure.
> Up to now (and for a very long time indeed) typing
> $ /bin/xinit  /bin/xterm  --  -nolock  -multiwindow
> at the mintty prompt has successfully started an xterm process.
> Now I get:
> "A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will now exit.
> Cannot establish any listening sockets."
> Over the years the one-liner typed above has had to evolve with changing 
> execs so I'm not surprised, or bothered, at this glitch.
> But can anybody please advise the necessary change in syntax that will again 
> enable a successful xterm from mintty?
> Thank you!

Marco Atzero replied:
> Hi Fergus,
> It works for me, so it seems not due to the sintax
> Can you start X with startxwin ?
> Please provide the cygcheck.out as mentioned on
> Problem reports:      https://cygwin.com/problems.html
> Regards
> Marco

I ran
$ rm  -vrf  /tmp/.X11*
in order to enable a "fresh start" and all is good.
On all devices and for both Cygwin32 and Cygwin64.
Thank you, Marco.

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