On 1/16/2022 8:12 AM, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 06:46:06AM -0800, Mark Hansen wrote:
I have an application running under Linux which I would like to move to Windows
(with Cygwin). This application depends on getting notifications when a CD Rom
drive status has changed (like audio CD inserted, ejected, etc.). For this, I
use a Linux utility application named 'autorun':


What's nice about this application is it can be configured to send 
notifications when
various drive events occur.

I've looked through the package list for Cygwin and don't see anything like 

Does Cygwin have anything that could work?

My Windows/C skills are about 20 years old so I was hoping to find an existing 
application that can provide this functionality, rather than try write my own.

I don't think Cygwin has anything of this ilk. It's the sort of function
that inherently requires some integration with the underlying operating
system in ways that the Cygwin compatibility layer makes difficult:
a tool providing that sort of function on Cygwin would need to both
interface with the underlying Windows OS to get notifications of CD
drive events, then provide some sort of *nix-style interface for Cygwin
applications to attach to.

Depending on precisely what you need, you might be able to automate
things with a simple Bash/Python/whatever script.  Something like the
following would let you run a specific program when a CD is inserted
into drive D:, for example:

     #!/usr/bin/env bash
     set -eu
     while :; do
         if [[ -e /cygdrive/d ]]; then
             echo "CD detected, running '$PROGRAM'"
             cygstart "$PROGRAM"
             echo 'No CD detected'
         sleep 60



Thanks. I need to know specifically when an Audio CD is inserted. I guess I'll 
looking. Thanks.

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