Hi Andrey,

On Jan 26 19:34, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin-announce!
> > The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
> > * cygwin-3.3.3-1
> > * cygwin-devel-3.3.3-1
> > * cygwin-doc-3.3.3-1
> It seems there's some network shares problem going on with 3.3
> I've got a problem with recent Cygwin and some old scripts of mine.
> Particularly, the script at one point trying to normalize EOL's in a file so
> that following operations run smooth.
> But the step fails with message about permission changes.
> The problem is,
> 1. the file is located on a network share and
> 2. it is a noacl share.
> The scripts were running fine several months ago and nothing has сhanged on
> host and remore except Cygwin itself.
> $ ls -ld . ./Localization.lua
> drwxr-xr-x 1 anrdaemon None     0 Jan  2 12:07 .
> -rw-r--r-- 1 anrdaemon None 32212 Jan  1 14:32 ./Localization.lua
> $ /usr/bin/d2u ./Localization.lua
> dos2unix: Failed to change the permissions of temporary output file 
> ./d2utmpEBELkH: Permission denied
> dos2unix: problems converting file ./Localization.lua

I could easily reproduce your problem, which I introduced myself into
Cygwin 3.3.2.  At the time I was wrestling with a new Samba version and
thought I have seen a problem with permissions.  However, I don't know
how to reproduce the problem because it just doesn't show up anymore.
So I just reverted the patch.  It worked this way for years.

I also created new developer snapshots for testing.  I guess it's
about time for a 3.3.4 release...


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