On 1/31/2022 8:59 AM, Eliot Moss wrote:

On 1/31/2022 9:52 AM, cyg...@kosowsky.org wrote:

I tried renaming some very large files (20-40 GB) using: mv
<oldname> <newname> without changing the directory of course.

The process took about 10-20 minutes with Task Manager showing
disk activity of 100+ MB/s.

Is there something about such large 'renaming' that actually
results in the file being really moved (aka copied) rather than
just renamed?

The two places are probably on different volumes (loosely, different
 disks). That requires a physical move, even under Linux.  Your
volumes seem a bit slow to access - is one perhaps across a slow
network?  The rates you cite suggest movement of 50Mb/s (50Mb read +
50Mb write = 100Mb overall).  For 40 Gb that should take 40Gb / 50Mb
= about 820 secs = a little under 14 mins.

(When I say your volumes are slow, I speak from the luxury of having
a 2Tb solid state drive!  Actually, those speeds may be reasonable
depending on the nature of your system.)

If the two locations are on different drives, there's no real
avoiding this.

Nope, I've also complained about this (long ago), if the two locations
are the same remote drive... Cygwin moves the entire file over the network.

I ended up writing my own Samba mv command.
R. Berber

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