On 2022-01-31 05:18, Jon Turney wrote:
On 31/01/2022 07:55, Brian Inglis wrote:
In the URLs shown for git/cygwin-packages repo access:
URL git://cygwin.com/git/cygwin-packages/PKG.git
the web URL fails and should be:
as in the PKG links in the git/cygwin-packages list.
No. Between the URL for git access with git transport and the URL for
git access with ssh transport, is the URL for git access with http
transport, not the URL of the page you are looking at.
Thanks, that explains my difficulty checking if repos exist using
commands, to avoid the load on the server of pulling up the project
list, the long delay waiting for it to populate, then manually ^F to
Find the package!
I guess we just have to remember with gitweb to copy the git portion and
insert '?p=' between the occurrences.
Can't find a ref in the ...htdocs... or I would submit a patch.
This URL comes from the gitweb configuration, which isn't checked into
that repo (for no good reason, so I'll see what I can do about that...)
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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