
> Perhaps the networking drivers are buggy

This is an AlmaLinux 8 server, which is a binary clone of RHEL.
It is possible but hard to believe the networking drivers would
be a problem.

> Perhaps you have firewall  or selinux rules that are closing the
> connection.

I configured the firewall using nftables.  It only allows incoming
tcp connections to port 22 and drops everything else.  For outbound, it
is set to drop all connections with specific ports allowed.

I have selinux set to:

> Your /var/log files might have a clue.

I looked at /var/log/messages, it has this:
Mar 26 23:38:44 marketing systemd[1]: Started Session 3 of user root.
Mar 26 23:38:44 marketing systemd-logind[849]: New session 3 of user root.
Mar 26 23:38:44 marketing systemd[1]: session-3.scope: Succeeded.
Mar 26 23:38:44 marketing systemd-logind[849]: Session 3 logged out. Waiting
for processes to exit.
Mar 26 23:38:44 marketing systemd-logind[849]: Removed session 3.

I did not see anything else which seemed related.

The big stumper for me is that scp works.  What could cause rsync to act
They are both connecting through port 22.

Thank you,

Neil Aggarwal, (972) 834-1565, http://www.propfinancing.com
We offer 30 year loans on single family houses!

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