Am 04.04.2022 um 01:20 schrieb Mark Geisert:
Hi Thomas,

Thomas Wolff wrote:
Am 03.04.2022 um 08:48 schrieb Mark Geisert:
The following package has been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* sshfs-3.7.2-1

This is a port of the reference version of sshfs.  It allows access to
local or remote file folders via an ssh (more precisely, sftp) connection.
The folder appears as a local folder on the user's system.

Sshfs requires cygfuse and a Windows FUSE provider to function.

Please send questions or concerns to the main Cygwin mailing list as usual.
Thanks for building this package.

You're welcome.  Thank YOU for your patience.

cygfuse: initialization failed: winfsp-x64.dll not found
I suggest to add a hint to WinFSP installation to this message.

I had thought the hint on the cygfuse announcement was enough :-) But no trouble to add it on any FUSE apps that are ported. Thanks.

/mnt> mkdir servmount
/mnt> sshfs servmount
Cannot create WinFsp-FUSE file system: mount point in use.
it fails to mount.

A couple of things.  Windows differs from Unix/Linux (yet again!) in that directories mounted upon cannot exist beforehand.  So if you rmdir servmount,
    sshfs servmount
ought to succeed, but instead you will get "read: Software caused connection abort", so supply a username@hostname and it should work.  The abort is some sort of problem with sshfs which I'll investigate.  On my machine,
    sshfs mark@m0: /mnt/servmount
works fine.
Yes, that works. Thank you, great feature. Maybe another interactive hint in this case would help.

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