
I've just completed a fresh installation of Cygwin on Win2k Pro / SP3. I 
installed Cygwin as Administrator but then created an user called ptsekov. 
It happened that I forgot to update the password database after I created 
the new user. So I've logged in as ptsekov and the first thing I saw was 
the strange prompt - with the latests snapshot version of Cygwin 
(20030130) it looks like this for me:


With the released 1.3.19-1 version it was a little bit different.

Then I issued 'ls -l' on a directory which contained files with owner 
'ptsekov'. The output contained garbage in the owner field of the 'ls' 

Now I know that it is not good if the user's entry is missing from the 
passwd database and I've corrected this, but I thought I'd post so that
this could be fixed. It seems like there is some variable 
left uninitialized if the passwd entry is missing.

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