On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 12:20 AM Thomas Wolff <t...@towo.net> wrote:
> Am 02.05.2022 um 23:54 schrieb Eric Adams:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I had previously reported this issue as "Possible phantom control-key 
> > state..."
> >
> > I observe that moving between cygwin mintty windows and Windows
> > windows causes unexpected behavior in the cygwin world.
> >
> > I took a new approach, using vi :) . In cygwin, I open a new file,
> > enter insert mode, hit Ctrl-V, and mouse out of the window. When I
> > mouse back into the cygwin edit window, my screen contains the display
> > string "^[[O" (note that the "^[" is vi-speak for "esc"). Examining
> > the resulting file with od shows:
> >> od -ah fdsa
> > 0000000 esc   [   O  nl
> >                 5b1b    0a4f
> >
> > Here, the nl character is inserted by vi.
> >
> > This smells like an incomplete escape sequence. If it's left at the
> > command line, just waiting for the user to type something, there might
> > be trouble.
> >
> > Am I completely off?
> > Thanks,
> > Eric Adams.
> CSI O is the focus off notification (CSI I is the focus in notification).
> Someone has switched on focus reporting mode (CSI ? 1004 h) in your
> session (and isn't catching the notifications).
> Run your application in a fresh mintty, with no other software, to test.
> Thomas

Thank you for your insight. I'm afraid I don't know how to test this
without some extra software involved.

In a fresh mintty, I tried "cat - > capturefile", focussed in and out
of the window a few times and hit Ctrl-D. The capturefile was empty.

In a new mintty window, I try the vi experiment, and the escape
sequence is captured.


Thank you,
Eric Adams.

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