On Tue, 3 May 2022 14:47:17 +0300
Orgad Shaneh wrote:
> Hi,
> Running `mintty ./bash` crashes on Windows 7 on cygwin-3_3-branch.
> Tested in MSYS2 on merge-3.3 branch from
> https://github.com/orgads/msys2-runtime-1. It includes the tip of
> cygwin-3_3-branch as of today (05827d2df8).
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Start cmd.exe
> 2. cd <msys-directory>\usr\bin
> 3. mintty ./bash
> GDB trace attached. Simplified form:
> 1  ntdll!KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher                       0x7791b5ba
> 2  KERNELBASE!CloseHandle                                     0x7feffb31863
> 3  KERNEL32!CloseHandle                                       0x776b14f1
> 4  fhandler_base::close                 fhandler.cc      1217 0x1800682db
> 5  fhandler_pipe::close                 fhandler_pipe.cc 685  0x18009069a
> 6  fhandler_base::close_with_arch       fhandler.cc      1193 0x18006c7d5
> 7  close_all_files                      syscalls.cc      102  0x18014548f
> 8  do_exit                              dcrt0.cc         1200 0x180048213
> 9  _exit                                dcrt0.cc         1317 0x1800483ef
> 10 exit                                 exit.c           64   0x1801b3bdd
> 11 cygwin_exit                          dcrt0.cc         1311 0x1800483d3
> 12 _sigfe                               sigfe.s          35   0x18019593b
> 13 ??

I cannot reproduce this with cygwin git head of cygwin-3_3-branch.
Is this MSYS2 specific problem?

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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