On Thu, 5 May 2022 15:44:40 +0900
Takashi Yano wrote:
> On Thu, 5 May 2022 13:41:20 +0900
> Takashi Yano wrote:
> > I downloaded bash source files from:
> > https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/bash.git
> > and built it by:
> > ./configure && make
> > and replaced /usr/bin/bash.
> > 
> > Then the issue disappeared.
> > Now, I start to suspect the issue is a bug of msys2 bash package.
> I tried several shells and results are as follows.
> tcsh: ok
> ash: ok
> dash: ok
> zsh: ok
> ksh: ok
> fish: ok
> bash (build from original source): ok
> bash (from msys2 package): ng
> Only bash in msys2 package fails.

I identified the difference which causes the issue
between bash built from original source and msys2 bash.

If --enable-readline and --with-installed-readline is specified
to configure, the problem causes even with bash built from original

Also, removing --with-installed-readline from configure and removing
READLINE_LDFLAGS= from make in PKGBUILD of MSYS2 bash package solves
the issue.

So it seems to be a readline problem, not a bug in bash itself.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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