On the cygwin envuronment i have both python 2.7.10 and python 3.4.3, the
one which is by default is python 2...
Pretty sure that's the reason why is not working, i think we need python
3.9 for scons...
The problem now is that i cannot install successfully python 3.9. I tried
with the setup-x86, just updating python3... However after that python3
stops working...
I'd appreciate any advice or support...

El vie., 13 de mayo de 2022 11:51 a. m., William Deegan <bdbad...@gmail.com>

> Are you sure you're running scons from cygwin?
> Which version of python do you have installed?
> On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 8:46 AM Martin Ortuno <
> martinortunogonza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> On one project we are using cygwin v2.3.1 for 32 bits as a building
>> environment... We are integrating a library that is built scons, I tried
>> to
>> run scons v4.3.0-1 but when I prompt scons on the command line.
>> Scons -v outputs nothing...
>> I would appreciate your support in this matters...
>> Thank you,
>> Martin
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