
I'm using Git Bash as the default terminal in VS Code. Using Git for
Windows 2.36.1 with the latest runtime, based on cygwin 3.5.0.

I have a launch configuration that executes a Node.JS application in
the integrated terminal.

When I launch it for the first time, it spawns a new terminal and
works correctly (most of the time), but when the terminal is being
reused (and sometimes also for a new terminal), the command is missing
a few characters, so it fails.

These are the commands that are executed. The first one works, the
second one fails.

/usr/bin/env 'NODE_OPTIONS=--require
"c:/Users/orgads/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS
"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe"
.\\..\\node_modules\\mocha\\bin\\_mocha "--timeout 9999" -r
tsconfig-paths/register my-app.js
cd F:\\Projects\\MyFailingProject/prjct-directory/dist ; /usr/bin/env
"c:/Users/orgads/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS
"C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe"
.\\..\\node_modules\\mocha\\bin\\_mocha "--timeout 9999" -r
tsconfig-pathsregister my-app.js

The follwing characters are missing (marking them with **):
... -r tsconfig-paths**/**register my-app.js

Notice there is one block (starts on char 325), which is missing 4
characters (325, 332, 334, 346), and another character close to the
end of the line.

Another execution was missing:

and the same slash.

The terminal also auto-types the missing characters (sers/) in the
next line, without executing it (waiting for Enter). The characters
are the same in both executions (sers/), only taken from different

This issue started a few months ago. IIRC it was around the same time
I reported the misordered characters issue (last February), but I
can't tell for sure.

With 3.5.0, it happens less than before, but I still hit it once in a while.

Any idea what can cause this?

- Orgad

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