On Jul  5 17:40, Takashi Yano wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jul 2022 00:42:50 -0700
> Mark Geisert wrote:
> > Takashi Yano wrote:
> > > I also found the patch attached solves the issue.
> > > 
> > > I would appreciate any suggestion.
> > 
> > Would be neet if this patch wasn't needed, but, oh well.  My only comment 
> > on the 
> > patch would be to possibly call the new wrapper function MyOpenClipboard, 
> > or 
> > CygOpenClipboard, to help keep the name paired with CloseClipboard.
> Thanks for the comment. IIUC, the camel case name should be
> used only for Win32 APIs related. However, this is the wrapper
> for Win32 API. So, it might be acceptable. In other places,
> some wrapper functions are named as camel case.
> Corinna, WDYT?

What about just adding a static inline wrapper called close_clipboard
for symmetry?


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