On 7/15/2022 12:44 PM, Kevin M. Wilson via Cygwin wrote:
Greetings,    Well, I've gone and done something, and I don't know how to fix 
it...Please help!
I start a terminal window on my windows machine, ssh'g to my Linux box. At the top 
lefthand corner of that window is a tilde, "~bash". The word disappears, 
leaving behind the 'tilde'. Plus, on the screen next to the prompt, a few seconds 
later...Another'tilde'. So...Suggestions?

Presumably this is an xterm (or something like it) and bash (or
whatever) is setting the window title.  This can be done by sending
an escape sequence to the terminal.  You might look through the
various bash settings regarding that - though I personally control
it with my own scripts.

Best - EM

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