Greetings, Hans Henrik Bergan!

> ... actually i forgot that the default fopen mode is "rb" ... anyhow, here
> is what's supposed to happen:
> $ touch bug.txt; chmod 0777 bug.txt; php -r '$o=new
> SplFileObject("bug.txt");var_dump($o->fwrite("test"));var_dump(error_get_last());'
> PHP Notice:  SplFileObject::fwrite(): Write of 4 bytes failed with errno=9
> Bad file descriptor in Command line code on line 1
> bool(false)
> array(4) {
>   ["type"]=>
>   int(8)
>   ["message"]=>
>   string(81) "SplFileObject::fwrite(): Write of 4 bytes failed with errno=9
> Bad file descriptor"
>   ["file"]=>
>   string(17) "Command line code"
>   ["line"]=>
>   int(1)
> }

> changing the code to SplFileObject("bug.txt", "rb");
> makes the code work, but there's still the issue with cygwin's php's
> SplFileObject::fwrite() not noticing the write error

php -d 'display_errors=stderr'

> On Sat, 1 Oct 2022 at 18:47, Hans Henrik Bergan <>
> wrote:

>> running PHP 7.3.7 in Cygwin 3.3.6, and SplFileObject::fwrite seems
>> completely broken.
>> to reproduce:
>> $ touch bug.txt; chmod 0777 bug.txt; php -r '$o=new
>> SplFileObject("bug.txt");var_dump($o->fwrite("test"));var_dump(error_get_last());'
>> int(0)
>> so both fwrite() and error_get_last() failed to pick up that there was an
>> error,
>> but strace reveals:
>> 67 487251 [main] php 1693 __set_errno: ssize_t write(int, const void*,
>> size_t):1350 setting errno 9
>> 60 487311 [main] php 1693 write: -1 = write(3, 0x6FFFFFE65BF8, 4), errno 9
>> errno 9 probably means: 9 EBADF Bad file descriptor.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Sunday, October 2, 2022 16:49:02

Sorry for my terrible english...

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