H again.

Or you can use:-

shopt -s lastpipe
powershell -command Get-Clipboard | mapfile array_variable

for multiline.

Sam Edge

On 19/10/2022 08:44, Sam Edge wrote:
Hi there.

In the absence of a Cygwin-native utility, how about?

x="$(powershell -command Get-Clipboard)"

You can pipe to the Windows 'clip' utility to go the other way or use
'powershell -command Set-Clipboard'.

But I agree, a Cygwin utility would be nice, unless there already is one?

Sam Edge

On 19/10/2022 07:58, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
With Linux I am using xclip to read the X11 clipboard.
Is there a cygwin equivalent to read the Windows clipboard?

My use case is:
The user copies file names to the clipboard and then starts a program
which processes these files.

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