On 11/12/22, Lester Ingber via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> When I login to my cygwin I see
> /cygdrive/c/Users/ingber/My: Command not found.
> I have tried to edit my ~/.dirsfile (in /home/ingber/ which is where I
> wish to start) but those changes do not persist between login sessions?
> The problem likely stems from may of my files now in a G: drive (a
> virtual drive added by Google) that starts at C:/Users/ingber (which I do
> not want to land in on login).

It may be that windows sets HOMEDRIVE env to G: when you're connected.

I don't know the preferred solution.  Here are a couple things that
may work. You can set HOME env to override,  You can also configure
your user home in /etc/passwd.   I see mention of setting db_home in


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