On Dec  7 17:59, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
> > contains patches dropping W7 and W8 support:
> Hmm... I understood that "dropping support" was not something that
> would _require_ newer OS, but that it may not work (or not guaranteed
> to work, patches not checked for compatibility, etc) on the older
> OSes...  Are you saying that W7 and W8 would be actively rejected?

Supporting older OSes requires to keep workarounds in the code and
sometimes leads to the inability to implement stuff in ways only
available on newer OSes.

Each deprecation of older OSes in Cygwin worked like this so far, and
for 3.5 (late 2023) we announced the deprecation of Windows 7 and 8
since the first 3.3.0 release in October 2021.


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