At 01:41 AM 2/1/2003, Sean McBride wrote:
>I thank all of you who comented on my last post.
>I have another small problem.
>I installed the package with the installer and then later, added pine to my
>installation.  I don't think installing pine has anything to do with my
>problem, but I only noticed this after adding that package.
>occasionally when executing commands from bash the command window locks up.
>^c does nothing and I can't even close the window.  Even Ctrl-Alt-Del End
>task won't get rid of the misbehaving command window.  Only if I shut down a
>task called "oldwinapp" does the command window go away.  Then I am able to
>restart bash and rerun the same exact command I attempted before with no
>problem.  After a while, it locks up on another command..  There seems to be
>no pattern to the command or time it does this at.
>Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Maybe I am doing something wrong?

No and this doesn't look like a Cygwin issue per se.  "oldwinapp" seems to 
be the problem here, whatever that is.  It certainly doesn't come with the
Cygwin distribution.  I suggest you investigate this.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
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