On 12/19/22 2:42 PM, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
On Dec 19 12:50, David Standish via Cygwin wrote:
On 12/19/22, Kyle Marek via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
(CC'd the public mailing list for visibility of problems that may be
affecting others)


Today I received an email from cygwin-boun...@cygwin.com with the
subject line of "You have been unsubscribed from the Cygwin mailing
list". I also just noticed that my Cygwin directory doesn't have any
emails since the email identified by the following headers:
I've experienced the same problem.  I reactivated my subscription a
couple times.

More cygwin mail has been getting through to me that last few days.
Hopefully google has relaxed their filtering,
Actually, Google hasn't relaxed their filtering, rather the DNS record
of the cygwin.com domain was the culprit.  It didn't have the required
(by Google) DKIM/SFP records.  This has been rectified last week,
fortunately, so this shouldn't happen again.  I re-enabled mail for
all accounts having been disabled due to bounces.

Looks like I am receiving mail again!

Thank you,
Kyle Marek

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