On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 04:50:26PM +0100, Francesco Pretto via Cygwin wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to report a bug in mintty that is mostly suffered by "Git for
> Windows" users, which in version they are using mintty 3.6.1.
> The bug has been reported in this "Git for Windows" issue[1].
> Basically maximizing the mintty window during a "git log" session
> locks the tty session and the window must be quit/killed. I can
> reproduce within a vanilla cygwin mintty 3.6.3 session, which is
> present in the latest cygwin 3.4.3, using the same "Git for Windows"
> git binary. To reproduce;
> - Open a cygwin mintty window, keep it **default** size, don't maximize here;
> - Go to a git repository directory;
> - Enter "git log" (I'm using the git binary from "Git for Windows",
> location "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/cmd/git";
> - Maximize the window;
> - Try to exit "git log" by pressing "q" -> lock!

I've tried this, as described, using both Cygwin's git and MinTTY, and
using the Git for Windows versions, and both work just fine for me.

> There was some debate of who was supposed to report the issue to this
> ML. Please, ask for more details "Git for Windows" maintainers, if you
> need, either by contacting them here/privately or writing to their
> Github issue.
> Regards,
> Francesco Pretto
> [1] https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/4060

...this is the same issue on GitHub as was reported at [0], however
in that email thread the problem occurred only when using the Windows
terminal emulators, calling git or less from within a PowerShell or cmd
window, *not* when using MinTTY.  I believe that's fixed in an upcoming
Cygwin release, per [1], although I don't know when that release will
happen, or how long it will take downstream projects like Git for
Windows to pick it up.

[0]: https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2022-December/252737.html
[1]: https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2022-December/252745.html

I'll put a comment on the Git for Windows issue now, more-or-less
duplicating the above.


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