On Jan 13 14:20, Sam Edge via Cygwin wrote:
> On 13/01/2023 11:55, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
> > Hey folks,
> >
> > In the light of recent discussions, and following other projects already
> > having done this step, we changed the name of the "master" branch in
> > the newlib-cygwin.git upstream repository to "main".
> >
> > If you fetched from upstream in the last two days, you might already
> > have noticed that an "origin/main" branch suddenly showed up, but your
> > "master" branch still worked as before.
> >
> > The reason is that we also added a symbolic reference upstream, so that
> > "origin/master" points to "origin/main".  Both "branches" are now
> > constantly kept in sync upstream.
> >
> > Therefore, you can continue your work on "master" without disruption,
> > if you prefer to do so.
> >
> > However, on the client side, the "master" and "main" branches are
> > treated as two distinct branches.  If you work on your local "main"
> > clone and commit a patch, it's not keeping your local "master" branch in
> > sync.  After pushing your change upstream, though, the upstream idea of
> > "main" and "master" is, again, the same.  After fetching from upstream,
> > the patch will show up in both tracking branches, "origin/main" as well
> > as "origin/master", so pulling on both local branches will show the same
> > tree.
> >
> > Having said that.  Ideally you only use one of the branches locally
> > to avoid any confusion:
> >
> > - If you prefer to work in "master", just continue to do so and don't
> >   create a local "main" branch tracking "origin/main".
> >
> > - If you prefer to work in "main", checkout "origin/main" as "main" and
> >   delete your local "master" branch.
> >
> >
> > Have fun,
> > Corinna
> >
> >
> While I can understand sensitivity over the word 'slave' this is taking
> things
> too far in my opinion. I just conducted a quick poll of my Afro-Caribbean &
> other non-Caucasian workmates who all express the same sentiment.
> [...]
> Well, it's a fait accompli on the Cygwin repos.

That's why we chose the symbolic ref solution.  You can use both in
future, whichever you like more.


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