Dear Cygwin'ers -

I have a separate drive mounted this way:

d:/ /cygdrive/d ntfs binary,posix=0,user,noacl,auto 0 0

One thing I use it for is to store backup files.  These tend to be 2 Gb
chunks, and there can be hundreds of them in the backup directory.  (The drive
is 5Tb.)  The Windows Disk Management tool describes it as NTFS, Basic Data

Doing ls (for example) takes a very perceptible numbers of seconds (though
whatever takes a long time seems to be cached, at least for a while, since a
second ls soon after is fast).

Windows Explorer (for example) and CMD do not seem to suffer this delay.

Any notion as to what is happening and what I might do to ameliorate it?

If it matters, the drive is removable (an external WD MyPassport hard drive).

Regards - Eliot Moss

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