On Feb  5 09:15, Doug Henderson via Cygwin wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to run "cygrunsrc -L" in both a regular and elevated shell. In both
> cases I received the same error messages. I do not believe I have any
> cygwin services configured.
> $ cygrunsrv -L
> cygrunsrv: warning: QueryServiceConfig failed for 'dcsvc': Win32 error 2
> The system cannot find the file specified.
> cygrunsrv: warning: QueryServiceConfig failed for 'McpManagementService':
> Win32 error 15100
> The resource loader failed to find MUI file.

I checked that I have a dcsvc service installed, but I don't have
the McpManagementService (something with Office 365, apparently).

I can't reproduce the above, not even the dcsvc warning.  Neither with
the latest, nor with the previous version of cygrunsrv.

I searched the web and apparently both errors are known, independently
from cygrunsrv or Cygwin, for instance:


The problem here is that you see the warnings, I assume?  You can
avoid seeing them by redirecting stderr to /dev/null.


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