On 2/7/2023 10:48 AM, Yeo Kai Wei wrote:

On 7/2/2023 7:27 am, Eliot Moss wrote:
On 2/7/2023 10:03 AM, Yeo Kai Wei via Cygwin wrote:

On 7/2/2023 4:59 am, gs-cygwin....@gluelogic.com wrote:
On Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 04:33:53AM +0800, Yeo Kai Wei wrote:

I updated Cygwin to 3.4.5-1.x86_64.

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19045 DESKTOP-P3E71RB 3.4.5-1.x86_64 2023-01-19 19:09 UTC x86_64 

However, the same problem occurs.

Cygwn-devel doesn't seem to work.

$ gcc -o selectStdIn selectStdIn.c
selectStdIn.c:9:10: fatal error: sys/select.h: No such file or directory
  #include <sys/select.h>
compilation terminated.

Well, on my system cygcheck -f /usr/include/sys/select.h clearly says
that the file came from cygwin-devel-3.4.3-1.  Maybe you misspelled
cygwin-devel ?  You do have to select the package explicitly, too.


Hi Eliot,

Thanks for the help.

There's probably some error somewhere.

I'll just uninstall the whole thing and reinstall from scratch.

Well, sometimes that's best, but between the other responses and mine,
I suspect you're not actually selecting and downloading cygwin-devel.

It could be problematic if you've installed cygwin in more than one
place, perhaps without realizing it ...  Pay attention to what the
cygwin root directory is for your installation :-) ...

Best - EM

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