> > Oh, I see you're from the same great country as Tony "The Tiger" Blair!
> That's
> > different!
> Well we know him here under a different name, an expletive I shall not say
> on the site but rhymes with war raving banker ;-)

The "w" word is considered potty-mouth in the UK?  Hmm, I guess that makes
sense; I must just be desensitized to potty-mouth living here in the
anything-goes-as-long-as-it's-offensive US of A.

> >
> > Expect a... "package"... in the... "email"... shortly. <wink wink> ;-)
> Cheers mate... I;ve done toooooooooo much programmming tonight so I want to
> chill and work on graphics while i watch my systems fall to pieces :o

Ah yes, playing the fiddle as Rome burns.  It does have a certain appeal to it
sometimes, doesn't it?

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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