Hello there,

when starting gdb (v10 or higher) with a windows absolute path to an executable, it runs into issues with paths in several cases, reporting the following error:

BFD: reopening /cygdrive/x/project/bin/X:\project\bin\simple.test.exe: No such file or directory

It looks like it does not recognize the windows path as beeing absolute and adds the posix-style absolute path to the current working directory as prefix. When using a posix-style absolute path to the executable instead, everything works normally.


This is especially an issue for developers using Eclipse CDT as reported here:
Apparently there was the same issue 13 years ago, but must have been fixed in the meantime and reappeared now:

I guess this commit might be a possible source of the issue on CDT side:


CDT developers did state, that this is a bug in GDB, as you can read here:

Consequently, the "bug" was also reported to gdb:

I'm not sure, if this is the correct conclusion. Does gdb actually support windows? In other words - does cygwin apply patches or flags to gdb to get it to work with cygwin and windows paths?

Thanks in advance
 - homac

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