I have a "hash bang" bash shell script i.e. first line
#! /bin/sh
or equivalently
#! /bin/bash
For various reasons I want this file to be identified as binary so its second 
is the single character null \x00 showing up in some editors e.g. nano as
This does not prevent the script from running to a successful conclusion.
Or not until recently. Now the script fails with
/home/user/bin/file.old.sh: cannot execute binary file
Q1 - was bash recently updated? Would this explain the changed behaviour?
Q2 - if so, is this newly introduced "glitch" known and presumably intended? Or
an unintended consequence that will be retracted in a later update? 
I then altered the first line to
#! /bin/dash
whilst retaining the null character at line 2 and subsequent content also 
The altered script file.new.sh runs as previously to a successful conclusion.
Q3 - at 1/8 the size of bash and sh, I am not at all sure of the role and reach 
of dash.
Should the edit (dash replacing bash/sh) be incorporated elsewhere or would 
this be a
bad idea (and retained only locally in what is indeed an eccentric and one-off 

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