On 7/9/2023 12:55 PM, Eliot Moss wrote:
On 7/9/2023 11:56 AM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 7/8/2023 9:37 PM, Eliot Moss via Cygwin wrote:
Dear cygwin-ers --

I'm running 64-bit cygwin 3.4.7-1 and lately I've been getting these vfork errors from emacs-gtk when I try to run dired on a directory.  I believe this tries to fork ls to get the necessary file information.  I've tried updating cygwin, which runs rebase, and I've tried rebooting my Windows 11 system.  I thought the newer 64-bit Cygwin was supposed to have overcome this historic
issue in 32-bit Cygwin ...

Anyway, I attach output from cygcheck -s -v -r -h and also from ldd

Any guidance on fixing this would be appreciated.  IIRC, cyggif is the library
that had a conflict.

Your cygcheck output shows that you're using the test release of emacs, which is built with the native compilation feature.  As explained in the release announcement, fork failures are to be expected unless you take certain steps to make sure that the .eln files get rebased:


Thanks for the response, Ken!

Indeed I have the necessary file with the necessary line in it:

cat /var/lib/rebase/userpath.d/moss

That's too bad.  I was hoping for an easy solution.

whoami is definite that my username is moss.

I will try the ephemeral rebase and see if that holds me until a restart,
but I have definitely run setup, mor than once, since this started

You might check /var/log/setup.log.full to see if there's anything that looks strange regarding rebasing.

If it's of help, I offer the result of ls -lR ~/.emacs.d/eln-cache
below.  Should I delete the .tmp files?

It wouldn't hurt to delete them, but I doubt if it will help either.

Also, some of the permissions are
different from others; could that be interfering with rebase?  (Not sure how
they got that way, either!)

It looks to me like the permissions are different only for the .tmp files, so I don't think that's the issue.

I'm stumped.  Maybe someone else will have an idea.


P.S. You mentioned the cyggif DLL. Is that consistently the one mentioned in the error message? If so, you might try forcibly rebasing it to a new address. I recall having to do that occasionally in the distant past, although that was probably for 32-bit Cygwin.

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